
Kenn's Engrish Adventures

Today was a beautiful day not too hot and not too cool it was just right. I meet up with Luke, and took the path he takes back to his house from Jusco. On the path he follows there are like a bunch of things like a batting cage, karaoke place, steak restaurant (hellz yea!), other restaurants, and arcades, so that street is definitely the street to go to in my area it seems. Let's move on to a few Engrish signs that can be seen in Yamagata.

The first is my personal favorite this is a sign for a clothing store called Dark Hollow, at first from a distance the sign looks inviting it has a helpful finger pointing potential shoppers to the store, but as you get close you will notice exactly which finger it is. And as you get even closer you will see the words "FUCK", clearly written at the bottom of the sign, so I am not sure if they want people to shop there. It seems to me, like this store is full of itself; the message I get from that sign is, "hey in this alleyway is a store but, we don't want you shopping here, so fuck off!".

The next sign is from a store affectionately called PUNANNY! This store unlike the last store seems very inviting this is one PUNANNYthat is open to all old or young rich or poor everyone can go into this PUNANNY. But sadly I have yet to purchase anything from PUNANNY. And while we are on the topic of PUNANNY I should maybe take this time to update my readers on my status in the land of Punanny. As many of you know I have been striking out pretty regularly. Well Saturday I went to Rough Roll which is like a British style pub, which means you stand apparently (not one single bar stool), and at Rough Roll I knocked back a couple of shots of Jameson which were expensive and weak, and then I decided to talk to two "young" ladies sitting in a bench near the front door. It turns out they weren't "young" at all one was 37 the other was like 34, so that was a bit odd. But Japanese people seem to age slowly (yes that is a stereotype), the 37 year old started getting a bit touchy-feely and I decided to exit stage left. So after a few more drinks I departed and rode my bike home on what was a cold and bitter night.

I know what your thinking nothing has changed!?! Kenn you still suck bawls. But I am not done yet, I was already supposed to meet up with a girl this friday, and then tonight another girl called me to hang out with her Saturday. So I am thinking now damn I went from nothing to maybe doing too much. So I guess I will need to take my pick. Neither one speaks good english, however. When I asked one what she likes to do upon first meeting her the answer I got was: "I enjoy receiving the long walk on the beach, after the anal sex has been successfully made", and I was just sitting there trying not to laugh as I said, "me too, we have so much in common". So at this point without having done anything with either one, I am leaning towards the girl I will meet on Saturday, since she is a bit older, 24 I think, and I want to see what it's like dating an older woman, just not too old, I don't want to date anyone's mom. Saturday, I am going to a barbecue with the older woman, she is going to pick me up in her car and drive me to her friends house. I am sure it will be a long and awkward card ride, with neither of us understanding one another, but I am excited anyway at the sheer awkwardness of the day. Friday I have no idea what is going to happen, it is just going to be random, but it should still be fun, plus I have an opportunity to help out a friend as she is bringing one of her friends and instructed me to do the same, so it's like a Japanese double date with one of the dates being blind. So for now I am going to eat Japanese frosted flakes and update you guys later, hopefully this last part made sense my mind kept going blank hahaha.

And on a side note: STFU Anthony!!!

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