

I don't know what to title this blog entry, so it will just be a random blog. where I will recap a few things from the past here in Japan. Number one is that first night I went to that bar there was one detail I left out, which I will mention here. You see as I was drinking something strange happened this japanese guy walked up to me and started C-walking!?! I was drunk so I was just like umm すみません WTF!!! Then it hit me after it was over I realized that I had just been served, so too ensure that never happens again I am teaching myself how to C-walk I am sure I will be served many more times before I can officially battle someone on the dance floor but I will beat someone one day. Next thing I left out is any details about my job. I like my job and I like my students; I thought I was going to hate kids, but that isn't the case. And there is nothing like the time I have in between classes, nothing like picking your nose in the bathroom for an hour will singing I sit down when I pee. Also there is a video of me being drunk in the park I haven't decided if I should release it or not, because what if I want to do something important one day like run for Mayor of some city, that video would blow up in my face. And speaking of blowing up Japanese toilets suck when it comes to handling American shit. Like I have to turn on the bidet, and have it squirting into my butt hole at a 45 degree angle just to soften the bricks I am passing. The bidet softens and obliterates most of the crap, but tends to leave feces splashed on my wall and everywhere else. And lastly I have uploaded an official apartment tour so you can see how I am living, the production values are a lot less than like MTV cribs or Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous, but that is because my budget consisted of a pineapple rind and a dead bee, I didn't have money to spend on rental Gorillas and explosions; maybe next time. And the final, final thing is if you fart and your fart smells like a dick then you are gay, there is no discussion on this matter, it is written in stone. So for now I must practice my C-walk so until next time.


Brandon D. said...

Oh, so that's what you leave in. It looks pretty good for one person.

Kenn said...

Yes that is where I "leave" wwww