
This is my bed I took this with my new phone

I officially have a phone now! I decided to go with Softbank in Japan, now the phone I have is cool and all but I feel like I wanted a different model, something more slim and with less Megapixels in the camera. But w/e it was too much work to get the phone it took 4 hours because the sales representative was talking with a translator program. She would look something up write something in English on paper then pass the paper to me and I would write my response in English. Some of the stuff that was said was funny; one message said "I am cheap and I take it hard from a foreigner". So I was trying my hardest not to laugh at some of the absurd things she was writing down. The only complaint about my phone is how thick it is. It's about the same depth as a DS Lite. I like to have small pockets on my pants, so things in my pocket can be close to my balls, and make it look like I have like 6 testicles with all the bulging going on. Plus the amount of crap I put in my pockets makes it also look like I am wearing a utility belt under my pants.

In other news I have found a grocery store that sells Guinness, which is like my favorite beer of all time. And speaking of drinking last Saturday I went to a bar down town, and tried my luck with the ladies. I am not sure if it was because I smelled of whiskey or that I didn't know much Japanese, but it was a disaster, I got shot down by like every girl I talked to. I think I tried to talk to about 8. And it was freaking hip hop night at the bar so me being a black guy I was like okay that should give me some extra points, WRONG!! So I rode back out to my place drunk and defeated that night and just passed the hell out. It was at this moment I was like damn I should have went to Tokyo, I probably would have had a baby by now. But whatever it's only been a week well almost 2 now. Ohh and I signed up for a language partner yesterday. I was able to put down a preference so I said I wanted a young Japanese woman. The guy behind the counter looked at my request and said, "Are you trying to study Japanese language or Japanese women". To which I was replied "ummm, where is your daughter?", at which point he put my form at the very bottom of the stack. So yea I will continue to teach myself Japanese. I still have not started work yet, so I am just doing nothing with my life but eating, but hey the food is good. But I will end this here for now so I can go back to doing nothing.

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