
Golden Week

Right now in Japan there is a week that has a bunch of holidays in it, which is called Golden week. Right now I am celebrating my Golden week, but my Golden week is more like a Golden day, I only have like 2 days off. Meanwhile, the other teachers have like 6 and 7 days off. Well shortness aside I am making the most of it on Friday a couple of ladies took me to a bar called Izakaya (イザカヤ), which is like a traditional Japanese bar, and it was very cool. Of course when asked what I would like to drink I went for the nomihodai! I mean why limit yourself to one drink, when you can have a buffet of drinks! So as you can guess I got pretty wasted and somehow I ended up at a different table!?! I started the night off sitting amongst a group of ladies, (of various degrees of attractiveness) and somehow ended up sitting with a soccer team. At the table with the soccer team I think shirts were banned because no one was wearing a shirt, and my shirt was quickly ripped off as well, nothing like shirtless drinking. Trust me it wasn't as gay as it sounds, and I am sure it sounds pretty gay. Actually speaking of homosexuality one of the girls I was with asked me if I was gay, because I was wearing a pink shirt. This was a WTF moment, because I was wearing a pink shirt I must be gay??? I see Japanese guys wearing like the most feminine clothing ever some even have like man purses and blouses. But if I wear a regular ass shirt that happens to be pink I must be gay. Ok back to Friday night the girls were kind of meh in the looks department. What I am about to say is going to sound pretty chauvinistic; but at one point while I was drinking I looked around at the ladies I was sitting with, and thought to myself, these girls are okay but I can do better, I mean come on I am not only A black guy in Yamagata; I am THE black guy (as in the only one). But all that aside I had a pretty good time at Izakaya.

The next day I went to a Japanese BBQ with a different group of ladies. The second group of women were all nurses, and were all a bit older than me, I think they were all 24. Also they spoke way less English than the first group, but of course that really didn't matter it's not like the first group had the best English. This was my first Japanese BBQ and hopefully it won't be my last it was freaking fun! One of hosts of the BBQ gave me a beer, in this tiny mug. I just kind of stared at it then drank the beer in like 2 gulps, and he was like sorry you need the big mug. So then he went inside and got the BIG mug and I was like now were drinking the right way. I don't know half of the stuff I was eating but it was all delicious. But then the more I drank the stranger things became. For one thing the girl I was with had a nice body but her face was kind of average maybe even a bit lame (haha I just said someone has a lame face). And like the more I drank the worse she started to look!?! Normally there is a thing called beer goggles where the more you drink the better someone looks, but I guess Japanese beer has an opposite effect. And another thing (I am not sure if it was because I was drunk), it seemed like every woman there was coming on to me and like there husbands and boyfriends were like right next to them, and some of their husbands were even encouraging what was going on, so that made things a bit awkward. One of the wives decided to make what was already awkward for me even more awkward by asking me "which girl here do you like the most to be your girlfriend?" . At this point I felt like a Penguin eating jello with chopsticks, I had hit Awkward city next stop Clown Towne. So I just kind of sat there with a blank expression on my face, when all of a sudden I was saved by a naked child by the name of Mahiro. I guess young Mahiro sensed I was in danger, so he rushed to my rescue. But like most things in Japan it was a bizzare rescue to say the least, he ran across the table to where I was sitting and preceded to shake his penis in front of my face. As I sat there being assaulted by baby penis and awkward questions I had an epiphany. Maybe it was the beer and maybe it was the tiny baby penis flapping about, but I realized that penis length needs to be measured in minutes instead of inches, so next time someone asks me how big my penis is I will say it is 15 minutes long. But I think I enjoyed the BBQ more than the night at the bar, I want to go to more Japanese BBQs ^_^!!! I suppose I will just start walking up to random BBQs and start eating. Well I will end this here and try to find something to do today. It seems no matter what country you live in Sundays are always lame ass days :(

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

a penguin eating jello with chopsticks... priceless!
so is the picture. your expression says it all.