
Monday night

As many of you know I missed work on Monday and decided to spend the day in the park drinking since I was officially off on Tuesday, which is today. I drank Shochu for the first time which is like a rice based alcohol. I was drinking with Luke and then I started playing a bit of soccer with some small kids who were playing near where we were sitting. As I was playing soccer a Japanese guy ran up and started playing too and then I like gave him a shot of Shochu and then he like introduced us to his friends, and I think I drank a bit with them too!?! I have no idea what all happened because shortly after that things got really blurry and I ended up face down on the ground in a puddle of my own vomit shaking because I was cold. Yea so not my proudest moment, I was awoken later on that night by some of the people I meet earlier they asked where my friends were and if I think I should head home, but I was still drunk so I just laid on the ground and said what little words I could form. Eventually I got up and decided to look for my headphones because I had no idea where they were, in my search I meet some other people. I am pretty sure I smelled like vomit and there was vomit on my clothes, but the new people didn't mind so I sat with them for a bit and talked it up, when all of a sudden another gaijin named Guy showed up and then we all had a good time, I got some girls number, I don't remember what she looks like haha. That is a reoccurring theme it seems. But yea Monday night was a blur for the most part. After awhile everyone started to leave and I asked some guys on the other side of the park if they had seen any headphones. Some guy said something to me in Japanese and then tapped my crotch and tried to maneuvr himself into a full on grouping session, so that was like not awkward at all. I equate that moment to like getting a BJ or something in your car and as you finish you are looking at some guy walking across the street and you lock eyes, now all of a sudden you are gay because you climaxed while staring into some guys eyes, and then your girl friend is like lets go all the way, and you are like no thanks I am gay now. That is what the moment felt like in a nutshell. But yea once again the night was largely unsuccessful in terms of my luck with the ladies. It's not like I am striking out though, well not completely but now I am getting lazy, and I kind of don't even care anymore I am just going to say screw it and just do what ever. Ohh also I went to Tendo this weekend I think!?! I went there sometime maybe not the weekend and saw like a human chess game, I forget what the festival was called, but it was pretty nice. We meet some other gaijin and got invited to a wedding which will have nomihodai which is all you can drink!!! So that should be fun, but yea I will end it on this note because I am tired.


Anonymous said...

grope fest!

Brandon D. said...

Ha ha....how in they world did you wake up in vomit.