
Sundayyy (日)

Hello again today has been another otaku day where I just sat around and did nothing. But last night was round 2 of last Saturday. This time was a lot better. I was hanging out with some other gaijin in the city they are pretty cool guys. We started off the day drinking at Luke's house I had about 6 can's of Guinness (おいしい!). On like my 2nd beer Collin came and joined us, he was drinking some Sapporo I think. After we finished drinking the beer then I took a large shot of Rum and like a shot of some Japanese plum liquor, that Luke poured me, I could tell that I was going to like these guys already. After getting nice and buzzed we headed off on our bikes towards J's bar which is where I was last Saturday. This time instead of just walking in and not paying any kind of cover charge I had to pay like 2,000 yen. And that got me a free drink and a stick of gum and some lame ass glow sticks. The first thing I did when I walked in was realize I lost my drink ticket, I told J and he was like I got you man but then I found it so it was all good. Although I should have just taken the drink he was going to give me and used my drink ticket later on in the night.

I sat at the bar and ate like all the strawberries from a fruit tray, and left all the kiwis in an ash tray in front of me. Collin was like who wasted all these kiwis and I was like it was me! Ain't no shame in the game. Let me mention here that last time I was in J's I was wearing a back pack and had all these translation books and I looked like a tool. This time I left the books behind and the bag and I didn't look like such a tourist. Now with that said back to the night. I used some of the Japanese I had worked so hard to learn the day before, on a few of the local ladies. But being drunk I forgot most of it so I was just like screw it I will talk in English and say what I want, whether they understand or not. This actually proved to be a good tactic, but I still used some of my sleazier Japanese like lets go talk over there in that dark corner, but that didn't work to well. Actually most of the night went like last Saturday in the beginning it wasn't till like the last hour that I actually started getting some numbers. And so now I have all these numbers and I don't know what faces go with what numbers, so I just took a random crap shoot, and texted one girl who I thought would know a bit of English. At first her English was okay but then it turned into Engrish really quickly, so I was like ummm let's use simple Japanese so I know precisely what you are trying to say, other wise I would probably get the wrong ideas or just be utterly confused.

So after a very good night of drinking and mingling another gaijin Max shows up like super late and like he is like let's get Ramen! At this point Luke is missing, so it's just me Collin and Max. We get on our bikes and me and Max take off I look back and Collin was lagging behind, and he just kind of got left behind. Every place we went was closed so we just parted ways and I headed home. On the way home I bought like a Bento box at a convenience store and some rice balls. Now this is where it gets odd I was pretty drunk, and I rode my bike all the way home no problem. That shouldn't have been the case, here you have a drunk guy on a bike riding on streets with no lights!?! So I was like yea I am not as "Trunk as you Drink I am". I am on the home stretch I am literally 20 feet from my front door, and out of the corner of my eye I think I see a frog so I turn to look at it, I crashed instantly right into a drainage ditch on the side of the road, I scraped up my face and some guy delivering pizza who was leaving stood there and looked at me as I rolled around in the street in agony, finally I regained my composure and walked my bike the rest of the way too my house. I got in and spit blood on my floor (which explains the picture) and checked to see if anymore of my teeth were broken. Yea I never mentioned this here but like last week I chipped one of my teeth in another biking accident involving drunken biking. The moral here is don't bike drunk kids! I never learn lessons so I will keep on doing it till all my teeth are gone then I will get some sweet hard plastic replacements with spinning rims in them.

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