

Just got back on tuesday and damn does it feel good. I loved to see the tables turned on the Japanese. As soon as the airplane touched down they were greeted with huge angry americans running all about pushing the Japanese out of the way and kicking their suitcases down because lets be honest if you just stop in America in the middle of a busy walkway people are going to elbow and shove the hell out of you. I was going to try and help out a few of the lost Japanese that were standing around absolutely terrified, but then I saw a vending machine so I helped myself to some American snacks. So after little to no thought I can say what I was most excited to see upon my arrival in America, BOOTY!!! Awww Snap! That's right my flight touched down in Atlanta so after months of seeing no one with any kind of hope of having an ass I was treated to a cornucopia of booty meat. I wish there was a cereal called Booty Flakes, no better way to start of the day then a spoonful of booty.

So even though I am back I am still dealing with Japanese stuff like my 2nd job is pissed with me. So I have to deal with this sort of delicately about as delicate as a sheep that bench presses 250lbs. But I don't want to be an ass to them because they were nice but I have to do what I must do, but I will do it with tact and grace. I do feel really bad about it though, and it is this exact reason I couldn't be a real business major. I have too much compassion, I can't be heartless and cutthroat. But anyway I will deal with that later let's go through November 4th.

I went up to lame ass CBU with Brandon and some girl he knows from there, and found out the election result as soon as I walked into this apartment, because there were a bunch of pissed of rednecks (angry that McCain lost) sitting around bitchin'. The first thing I said to this group of people was, "Awww yea suck on that bitches". Considering I didn't know any of them not the friendlies thing to say, but it was the American thing to say. So then they talked crap to my friend because they don't know me and I make it a point to look insane so that people don't mess with me. But not so insane I turn away the ladies (ladies get at me). But yea so I pissed them off, and they pissed my friend off so not wanting to be with a bunch of sad ass McCain followers I went downstairs were there was an election party going on but half the people down stairs were for McCain too so I got some angry stairs as I drank their beer wearing my Obama t-shirt, once again I didn't care, so I had a few of their beers then left so those losers could get back to doing there school work and feeling sorry for themselves. All in all so far my time in America has been wonderful now that Obama is going to be the next president everything seems brighter and a lot more full of life. This truly is one of the greatest moments in History and I am glad I experienced it in America and not in Japan. America I love you baby!

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