So my sleep schedule is pretty much fucked, I slept from 5pm till 11pm then stayed up till I had to go to work at 8am. But around 4am I got tired but I had insomnia so I couldn't sleep I had way too much on my mind. So instead I decided to dispose of some of my trash the items I don't know how to deal with, so I threw a bunch of trash on top of my neighbors garage. To make sure I didn't get caught I wore all black and even tied a bandana around my face as I sneaked through the shadows through my garbage all over their roof and garage then I stealthily sneaked back to my apartment seemingly unnoticed. Who needs to sort trash when our neighbor has a garage and a roof! Don't worry it was nothing ridiculous I wasn't throwing anything toxic up there like batteries just some plastic bins that I bought for plants and what not. And my neighbor has quite the green thumb so when the buckets fall off of their roof I am sure they will find a good use for them.
So anyway I went to tired from my 2nd straight night of insomnia I was like a freakin zombie, but I knew that at 12:15pm I was supposed to leave my school and go across town to teach at a special seminar. I had no intention of ever going to that seminar, you see that seminar is put on by the Board of Education, the same board that gets contracts from my company so I have no other way to get revenge on my company than by making them look bad at this seminar when I don't show up. I just got a call actually just now from one of the other teachers at the seminar and he said they are going to track me down, why can't they just leave well enough alone? I told the teacher I am in my pajamas and I am standing my ground, he said he understands that at this point I am past the point of caring about anything. So probably around this time the Board of Education is calling my school and is like where is your ALT, and my school will of course be like we don't know. Evernthough I actually left earlier than usual and told the head teacher, "better get a move on if I want to make it in time!" make it in time to my bed that is. So now I am like a fugitive on the run hiding out in my apartment eating donuts waiting for Heart to send it's goons to come and get me but this time I am not opening the door, because I am not expecting any mail so booyahhh!
On a completely on related note I am meeting up with some random Japanese girl who called me while I was at work on Wednesday and once to meet up with me and hang out. I don't even remember her name let alone what she even looks like, but those things don't matter. Since she is begging for my presence I expect her to buy me ice cream at McDonalds since that is where we are meeting. She needs to compensate me for my time. I will tell her all of this tomorrow when I show up or don't show up which ever I choose. The only thing I am motivated to do at this point is watch Samurai Jack. If Samurai Jack called me and wanted to go out on a date I wouldn't even hesitate I'd be all over that shit. I kind of wanted a relationship earlier this year but now I am back to how I was feeling in college and that attitude is screw that let's be free! I feel great no longer a wage slave instead of my boss bending me to his will I have just turned around and stabbed him in the eye with a spork, a metal spork at that which is the rarest of kitchen utensils. Well I am going to watch Samurai Jack and eat some sushi and wait for my apartment to be bombarded with goons.
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