

Emi's Leader!!

I am looking at new bike and I think the Leader Bike frame looks freakin' sick. I think I will get that frame for myself for Christmas. Emi from the Mash SF crew rides a leader, or at least he did until it got stolen. Oh and I got to ride my bike last night! Bradley brought a spare wheel by my place and we biked over to a house where a bunch of other bikers were at. Last night was perhaps the crunkest night I have had since coming back. All the riders I met last night were really cool people, and they know how to party (what biker doesn't!?!). I even had a "Japanese" moment. I was sitting on the couch and I was out of it, and the two girls sitting next to me were like you are really cute can we like take some pictures with you. I was just lying there and didn't say anything or do anything. So they just started taking my picture and I could careless. I had gotten used to having my picture randomly taken in Japan, but it was slightly odd to have an American want to take my picture. But both of the girls were pretty cute one more so than the other, but yea I wouldn't mind seeing them again. 

So after sitting around drinking for a few hours and talking about bikes and other random stuff we listened to a bit of music and some of the people started leaving to go to various places. I got on my bike with the intention of biking over to Chris and Bob's place but it was a bit too cold so I just took a detour to my place and Chris came by to pick me up. We went to Alex's tavern where a whole bunch of random stuff happened. Among which was an arguement that almost lead my friends and I into getting a fight. I was at Alex's with Chris, Julie, and Ashley. Julie and I used to go to elementary school together and I didn't recognize her at all but she recognized me instantly (for some reason). But yea so it had been awhile and I knew Bradley was going out with someone named Julie; I just didn't know that the Julie he is going out with is the one I know from elementary school. So that was a bit surprising. 

So yea it was about 4am and I was still out partying it up. Alex's is open till like 5am or something it was a lot less shady this time around then the last time I was there. So that was good, and Ashley was pretty hot so that made the night better. And despite the fact I was completely wasted I think Ashley probably likes me. She like got really pissed off when some frat guy said some shit to me. It was like we had been going out for awhile, in fact I felt like we had been going out the whole night. I was very comfortable being around her, everything just seemed so familiar. And later on that night she was saying that I looked like one of her ex-boyfriends, a mexican guy. I said it must be my hat that makes me look like I am hispanic, and she said, "well take it off let me see you without it."

Despite the fact that is was cold I did. And she said that I look cute without the hat. That made me think how many times had a similar situation occurred in Japan. Like how many times have their been similar conversations of which I was completely oblivious to small details in a conversation due to a difference in language. I am sure that it must have happened a lot, oh well all I know is that my picture is on a ton of Japanese girls cellphone. 

But back to the night at hand we left Alex's and went to Chris and Bob's place and kept the party alive. At around 7am I was completely trashed and could barely keep my eyes open or stand I felt like a double amputee Gilbert Gotfried. So Chris dropped me back by my place. And as I lay in my dark room I thought if I would be able to find Ashley on facebook the next day. Luckily I did (^_^).  Definitely don't want to read too much into the previous night, but if I was going to try and go out with someone right now it would definitely be Ashley. But like I said don't want to take too much from 1 drunken night/morning. But regardless of whether she is single or in a relationship definitely want to hang out with her again before I like leave town or the country or whatever the hell I am going to do next. But at this point it looks like I may just leave the US again and this time go to Eastern Europe if I get accepted into the Peace Corps. It is both good and bad my volatile lifestyle gives me lots of chances for exciting things to happen, not to mention chances to experience tons of different cultures, but on the other hand doesn't leave me any time for relationships. I don't think there is anyway I will find a girlfriend who is up for constantly moving to different countries, riding bikes, and living a green life. I am sure I must have meet at least one girl in my life who would love to travel around the world with me and experience new cultures but I am sure that who ever she is, she is long gone by now. I think I may have a short fling though. I mean why not. . .

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