
Oh My

I woke up today after a night of heavy drinking and inebriation. And I started to look around my room to piece the preceding nights events together. I looked at my shoes and noticed splatters of some orange substance all over them. I thought to myself did I run through some mud or something last night WTF is this stuff? Then I remembered that I threw up like 3 times outside of the Yamagata police station. Hahaha I remembered going there to see if someone found my coin wallet, and I was like laying down on the table as tons of cops tried to figure out what I was saying, and why I was just laying on there table. They asked me if I was drunk, and I was like no just sleepy, and then as soon as I left I hurled threw up all over the place. The cat was out of the bag when I blew chunks, at that point it was pretty obvious I was wasted. When they saw me throw up they are like are you sure you aren't drunk? And I was like NO does it look like I am drunk and then I immediately threw up again. So that was pretty interesting, then I started to retrace my steps. On the way home from work I bought like a huge bottle of beer and drank it while I took a crap, which I know sounds disgusting but it wasn't that bad. After I went to Yuta's shop and drank some more and got pretty wasted there, BEFORE I went out to get wasted. Drinking in Japan can be expensive, as I am sure I have mentioned many times before. But I don't really care all my income is pretty much disposable so whatever.

So I returned to Sandinista again, and wait! I was going to go to Loop another bar and then Yuta said he heard that Kenny had gotten in a fight there. And I was like "Huh? I didn't get in a fight there!". So I hope the people at Loop are talking about someone else named Kenny which I find hard to believe, I doubt there is another Kenny here, but it's possible. Otherwise I feel they are slandering my name because I didn't go into there bar. So now I am kind of wary of Loop and the people I meet there. So any ways I went to Sandinista where I know a lot of people that are really cool. And at first the night was pretty slow I was drunk so I forgot that we actually got there early last night. I saw all the regulars I see there like every night haha. This time it was just me though Yuta had to help his friend out so I had to use what little Japanese I knew to make it through the night. 

I was standing by the bar and this guy sitting at a table with a group of ladies started yelling at me to join them. I didn't know what was going on and then he extended a beer towards me, and it was like that painting where Man is reaching out to touch Gods' finger, it was heavenly. I grabbed the beer and sat down between two ladies who were enamoured with my stars. They asked me the basic questions how old am I? Where do I live? Do I have a girlfriend? When I tell people my age the freak out no one believes me or they think I am a baby. But, yea I talked with them for awhile and we all got up and danced my legs were aching from running with my students, and they still ache. And then like after awhile I went to talk to some other ladies I knew, but I probably should have kept talking to the ladies I was dancing with. I always spread myself to thin haha. I go for more than I can handle at any given moment, I always say ok tonight just stick to talking to one girl, but I always talk to a lot. And like I will go back and forth and some will leave and I am left with nothing. I hope that makes sense, it's kind of like a lion running after a group of gazelle he pursues one then all of a sudden goes after another one, and then another, and before he knows it he is tired and the gazelle have all scattered.

Ohh and let me recap the drunken bike antics that happened last night. I was sitting on my bike outside of Sandinista and kicked some random bike over next to mine and the owner happened to be walking up to get the bike as I was kicking it over haha, talk about awkard. Also it took me awhile to get up on my bike because I was so drunken I like almost feel getting on my bike. And riding your bike home when you are super drunk has to be the worst thing in the world, when it gets warmer I might start sleeping in the streets, or on the table at the police station. Also there was a group of people walking from downtown towards where I live, and I wanted to stop and talk to them, but it took all of my composure to keep my bike straight, so I just said screw it and pedaled to my house. I still need to meet people that live near me, so hopefully one day. . .

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