
This past weekend I was in Tokyo. It was my first time actually spending time in Tokyo. I took the つばさ Shinkansen, the trip was like 2+ hours, I had been falsely told before that you can't drink beer on the train. I still brought beer anyway to drink (I am always one for breaking Japanese laws). On the train I found out that you can bring and drink beer, as almost every salaryman on the train had a beer in their hands! If I had known this I would have brought more beer, but it was okay, I guess. There were tons of people everywhere, people were rude as hell, it was everything I expected and more. The first day I went to Roppongi and had some Mexican food, とても おいしい です!It had been so long since I had Mexican food that I had almost forgotten how good it was. I miss it again already.

Yes this burrito looks like shit but I assure you it tasted like heaven! Mexicans where never big on presentation it's all about the substance when you are dealing with the Mexicans (yes that is a sweeping generalization don't take that seriously).

Didn't stay out for too late, but Roppongi looks like it is a pretty fun place, a bit overwhelming with the sheer amount of people walking about. There were tons of drunk people in the streets when we left, my friend Taiga dubbed it "Drunk town". I stayed at Taiga's house while I was in Tokyo, his house is nice (I wish I had a house). I saved a bunch on living costs that way. Japanese hotels can go to hell! So to make it so I wasn't a total leech I paid for Taiga's food and entertainment when ever I could. 

On saturday I went to Akihabara and Shibuya. Two very different places Akihabra is a haven for おたく, and Shibuya is like a fashion show where everyone is dressed up to be looked at by everyone else. Of the places I went on my first excursion to Tokyo I think I like Roppongi the best. Because it looks and feels dirty, every breath of air in Roppongi tastes like expensive beer and gonorrhea ^_^! And I am quite fond of the dirty seedy life in Japan; not America, things are a bit to dirty and shady back home. I like to think of it like Goldilocks and the three bears, America's dirty is too dirty, and Japan's dirty scene is just dirty enough.

On a side note I just missed a murdering spree in Akihabara by one day. Talk about being lucky, I have never seen anyone being stabbed to death nor do I want to start seeing it now. And actually that picture of me was taken in Akihabara down the street from where the rampage started.

So at Akihabara we went to a Maid cafe which was a very interesting experience probably would have been better if I spoke Japanese, though. But I guess it is worth checking out if you are in the area, plus some maids go that extra (you know what I mean). Also me and my friends went into a giant adult superstore which was like 5 floors of dildos, random sex toys, and costumes, so that was interesting. Of course photos were banned at all of these places, so I couldn't take a picture of me holding huge fake boobs.

Moving along though in Shibuya I went to a club called Pure. Entrance was 3,500 yen with nomihodai, that was the deal of a lifetime. I wish Yamagata had something like that, could save a ton on drinks. But Club Pure was packed with people drinking and dancing. And I am talking western style dancing here, dick to butt grindin' action (oh yea!). So I danced with quite a few ladies. Some Japanese girls weren't to fond of western style dancing though so they like weaseled away, one even like hip bumped me away (haha). So that was interesting. I tried to talk to this girl who was amongst all her friends, and her friends protected her from me like a eagle watching it's young. As I approached there table I was greeted with a warm "FUCK YOU! Go away!", I could have said something rude back but I just drank my beer, and said ok. Later on I danced with all of the girls at the table especially the one I set out to talk with. And they apologized for their rudeness. Nice guys don't finish last, more like somewhere in the middle or kind of close to the end. Well I will retire for now until next time, おやすみ!

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