
Japanese Rave

A drunken picture before I went out Saturday

Let me start this blog of first by saying I freaking love wireless internet! The reason being is because I am taking a dump right now as I type this blog. Last night was Saturday night and it started off sort of uneventful. I was sitting around my place watching Purple Rain and drinking red wine. Great movie by the way. So after watching the movie I was thinking hey I should head up to Sendai, since it isn't too far away and it's a big city. But I was so lazy I just said screw it I am going to head to a local bar Sandinista, and see what stuff is like up there. I think the cover charge was 1,500¥ so that is about $15. Not to bad of a cover charge here in Japan, except for the fact that I didn't get a free drink with that cover charge so that freaking sucked. It was pretty slow in the bar. Actually I was concerned about how it was going to be inside as there was a lot of people standing outside of the bar leaving, so at first I thought it was closed. So after having a few drinks some people noticed me from my exploits around town. けーすけ (Kessuke) had remembered me from Kajo Park that day I was really drunk and passed out on the ground. The other guy ゆた (Yuta) I had seen only briefly from the night I was drinking nomihodai with Collin and David. Yuta spoke English so I was like sweet definitely going to hang out with this guy tonight, since I was rolling solo that evening.

After a few drinks I decided to talk to a few ladies, the first girls I talked to looked like lesbians but I was like screw it, so I talked to them, well rather her. You see one girl was really cute and the other was fat and looked like a dike. So I talked to the cute girl who is from Tokyo it turns out, as I talked to her I found out she has a boyfriend. So I was like umm talk to you later. I went back to get another drink and she came up to me and said "I'm a so drunk!", and I was like okay that's nice get out of my face please. I talked to a few other girls I think, I don't really remember. But what I do remember was meeting a guy who looked like he was an extra from New Jack City I mean he had the big plaid shirt baggy black pants K-Swiss, the works he looked like he just came from doing a drive-by shooting in 1985. So I talked to him and he was like your pants are so tight, and I replied "that's how I roll dawg!". After awhile I grew bored of Sandinista, so me and Yuta and one of his friends went to go get some Ramen. I can't stress enough how freaking delicious real Ramen is holy crap I love that stuff. But yea so this Ramen was good just like all the other Ramen I have ever eaten. After the Ramen me and Yuta decided to head up to J's bar which is like the only bar in the city that stays open really late.

I talked Jay into letting us pay a lower cover charge and still get a free drink. The cover charge was 2,000¥ ($20) but Jay let us pay half that and still get a free drink. That night at J's there was a rave complete with crazy gaijin on X jumping all around and being all sweaty. I danced a bit to the techno music that was blaring from the speakers, and talked to a few people, there was a guy in the bar wearing a mask I have no idea what that was about but he looked like a Luchadore. There was a girl who was having her birthday party there, I talked a bit with her she was actually 21! OMG I actually found a girl who isn't like 6 years older than me or 8 years younger than me. Her name is Miki, I believe she said she was half Japanese half Filipino. And I think she was pretty cute, once again hard to remember, because I was drunk and it was dark, but I am definitely going to try and see her again maybe next weekend. Later on I started talking to some other girl who was completely wasted, she was leaning against the bar rolling her head around. As I talked to her she just got out of her chair and sat on the floor I thought she was about to vomit, so I rubbed her back to make her feel better. Damn it would have been so sweet if she threw-up (haha). Yea but then she like put her head in my lap and I was like wait I hope she doesn't throw up on me. I guess maybe I was being half sleazy here as well, I was asking her if she wanted to leave. But then like I got Japanese cock blocked. Some other guy walked up and picked her up. I am hoping it was her friend or something, but it was probably just some other sleazy guy who came and took my prize. He won though he spoke Japanese so I was just like okay I lose this time, so I went back to talk with Miki and she fed me some of her cake, and I asked her why she didn't have a boyfriend, and she said like she broke up with him, I guess recently. So I got her number and we danced a bit and then she had to go. So after she left one of the crazy gaijins high on X walked up to me and was like come on buddy let's fuckin dance so I got up and danced.

Later on I served as a drunken translator for him as well, he wanted me to help him talk to a couple of ladies at the other end of the bar. He couldn't have picked a worse group, they were lesbians. I told the girls I don't believe them I need to see it, "Seeing is believing" after all. So the kissed and I was like okay now I believe it. . .I think let's see it once more so there are no doubts, but they were like no! Before I left for the night I talked to one more lady who was from Sendai, I have no idea why someone from Sendai would come to Yamagata to party but, she had some reason for coming here to party. When I found out she was from Sendai I tried to get her number so I could have a contact person in Sendai but she said no, I got burneeddddd. Also let me mention that there was almost a fight in the bar between a gaijin and a Japanese guy I went over to break it up, kind of silly for me to be breaking up fights because I am a pretty small guy, but once I got up to go over there Jay and his boys got up to, they are pretty big guys so with them backing me we stopped the two guys from fighting, and told the Japanese guy to leave. Yea that's right we made the Japanese guy leave. When I walked outside the sun was beaming down, it was freaking 8am I had raved all night. I said Ohayo gozaimasu to the other people from the rave who were standing around outside, and then rolled off on my bike. I stopped off at Renaissance, a gym nearby, to try and join. I figured since I was nearby I might as well swing by, but of course they were closed. Well I am going to go to sleep people, got freaking work tomorrow I am like the only teacher who has to work everyday this week. Mike is off this whole week and is in Tokyo and Julie another teacher I came up here with is off tomorrow and is hanging with her friends from back home. But not me I get shafted :(


Anonymous said...

是什么啊?!不能读日文!just fucking with you. interesting times. this is ziggy. never knew you were up in japan teaching english. i applied for it but they said hell naw. gonna try china this summer hopefully, i'll be able to come visit you once i get everything finalized. well chats later - ja matta or whatever

Kenn said...

Yea definitely come out man hopefully by the time you or anyone comes to visit me my Japanese will be a lot better so that I can communicate not only for myself but for anyone who visits me.