

A random sign from the Yakitorri shop.

So time for an update, I know I am the laziest blogger ever. I am sorry guys and gals. But let's get into the blog so I have been spending a lot of time hanging out at Yuta's bike shop getting drunk and meeting some cool people. So now my life is similar to Clerks I just stand around and drink some beer, and talk what little Japanese I can. Speaking of me talking in Japanese, I think my Japanese is getting better, and I am happy! I can understand a bit more and read some more Kanji (所=place). So I have been keeping a budget because I want to see where my money goes. So on friday I ran with my students, in something they call PSP. I think PSP means Physical Strength Patience, it doesn't make sense if it is a sentence but it's Japan so screw it. So anyways after I got off work I went to buy some food, and I didn't have quite as much money as I thought so I was like, "WTF!?!". So I started thinking maybe someone stole some of my money. So I started thinking of all the "mischievous" students who could commit such an act, but then I thought maybe it was another teacher. But after thinking back on the days and reconciling my budget, I started to realize I am a careless drunk.

This isn't the first time I thought someone stole something at work. I have these seating charts for my classes to help me learn students names. And one day they were missing so I assumed some of my students playing a joke took them so then I started my inquisition looking for the guilty party then while I was bored I looked all the way in the back of my desk drawer and my charts where there. I guess I am too used to living in America where my stuff gets stolen all the freakin time. But this is Japan, I have to remember that. People aren't going to throw bottles at me here, and I don't have to worry about what weapon the guy walking up to me in the street has. So when I realized I was jumping to conclusions I wasn't angry anymore I was just bored then. So what did I do? Well I shaved stars into my head! Yes that's right I shaved a big star unto each side of my head. I was worried with how they would come out but I think they came out pretty good considering it was my first time doing something like that. So after I shaved the stars into my head I practiced my C-walk, and then took a shower, and prepared for the night's adventure.

So I called my friend Yuta to see if he was up at the Bike Shop, and if he wanted some beer, Yes was the answer to both of those questions, as always. So I bought a 6 pack and a tall boy and head out for the night. Since it was dark as I rode my bike no one really noticed my stars but when I arrived at my destination everyone was like ohhhhhhh すごい!!! So I was instantly popular amongst the people at the bike shop, and ready to get drunk. So I knocked back a few cans of Asahi, and then we headed to Sandinista in a huge mob of bikers. On the way I noticed the ladies were noticing my hair, and it looks like they like what they saw. Score 1 for the home team! So in the bar I must say I had a pretty good night, probably the best night yet, I knew a lot of people as always and they were a lot of ladies, so it was all good. I started talking to a girl I thought looked familiar and it turned out she was familiar I had seen her earlier in the week at a Yakitorri shop. She was pretty cute I think I don't remember haha once again drunkeness clouds my hindsight.

I had to carve someone else's name into the wall, at their request.

But then I also think I screwed up some girl I don't remember who just like started rubbing my stars, she was obviously drunk. . .HELL YEA! So she was like do you dance, and I was like yes I do, "わかりますか C-Walk?". I showed her a bit of the C-Walk but she wanted to see more, so she was like let's go to the dance floor. But on the way I got intercepted by a crowd of people I know and I didn't make it to the dance floor, so that sucked. And then like I forgot what I was doing so I just got another drink then like the girl left and when I remembered it was too late. So that blew, so after that I hung out for a bit more and talked to a few more ladies, before heading to J's Bar. When I go to J's bar it looked like America it was ton's of gaijin in there, and I was like ehh this kind of sucks, so I went back to Sandinista. And hung out for a bit more. I saw Beda at Sandinista and he was like let's go to J's so then I went back. This time I meet some guy named Alex, that Johnny knew. Alex was wearing these huge white gloves that it looked like he stole from Mickey Mouse. So he took one off to shake my hand and I hesitated, I was like do I want to shake this guy's hand!?! I looked at his hand to see what was wrong with it, and then said fuck it, and shook his hand. I still don't know why he was wearing those huge gloves, but he was an odd fellow. He had a mohawk poof thing that looked strange. It looked like a rapist hair cut, but maybe people think my haircut looks strange so I can't really judge the guy.

There is more but this blog is long and I am lazy. . . So I could say I will finish this later but I probably won't so I will end this here.

1 comment:

Luigi said...

WTF you write J's name but not mine, WTF!