
I just can't remember

This is what I looked like writing this blog

So last night I wasn't planning on going out and doing anything it was a freakin Thursday. Well as I laid around doing nothing I received a phone call from Chris, he told me people were up at the Young Ave. Deli. I figured ehh why not, might as well head up there. I am glad I did I saw tons of people who I had no idea were in town. Nick was there from the army Julie was there (I could have sworn she had left with Bradley), and a few other peeps were there, some I hadn't met before. Last night I wasn't going to do a lot of things I wasn't going to drink or anything like that, but once again I was like ehh why not. I hadn't really done anything this week other than go to the gym and workout.

So obviously I got really drunk and had a pretty good time. Which is good because I definitely don't plan on doing anything tonight. When I got back home I made a sandwich, and it reminded me of Jazzy. I have no idea why a sandwich could possibly remind me of anybody, but at the time I thought it was clever. I really wish I knew what it was about the sandwich that reminded me of her lol. It's killing me now I need to know. And she is the young lass I mentioned a little while back. 

It is interesting how people meet sometimes. In the case of me and her, someone was harassing her friend, so that drove her to come sit next to me on the pool table. It was totally unexpected. I had spent the night "lady watching", meaning I would just glance around and think man I should ask her out or her out. But I didn't make any effort to approach any of the women out that night. But in the end I didn't have to because one approached me. And I definitely noticed Jazzy and her friend they kind of lit up the dingy bar. So we hung out quite a bit before she went back to Miami for school. I wouldn't really say we are "an item" and she is my girlfriend, but that's not to say I wouldn't like to say she is. Jazzy is a beautiful girl for sure. I just wish I had told her that before she left.

In fact we went to A Tan to eat lunch one day and I had so much I wanted to do and tell her that day, but I didn't do any of that. It's weird how I will plan things out meticulously sometimes then I won't do anything I plan out at all. In this case I was going to run up to her and give her a big hug and a kiss and then tell her, "You need to STOP! (pause for dramatic effect) looking so beautiful!", super corny I know. And then I was going to spend the rest of the day chillin with my little Jazzy. But I didn't do any of my plan I definitely was way more reserved :(. I don't know I kind of wish I did do what I planned out, but at the same time I wonder if that would have come across awkward. But of course I don't think I will ever know, UNLESS Jazzy happens to be reading this, and she tells me herself how it would come across. And now I wonder who all exactly reads my blog? I know about 10 or so people that read this little blog of mine, but who are the others?! TELL ME!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Carol said...

obviously me!!!