
Aww yea!

I love this pic!

So here we are Monday January 19, 2009, and tomorrow Barack Obama will be sworn into office. Just in high school I thought something like this would never happen in my lifetime and now it is about to happen ^_^. People are still bitter and I still don't like the southern coast of the US as a result of people's ignorance. A mind is like a parachute it only works when it is open! I literally just read several things on facebook where people were praying for Obama to fall down the steps during the inauguration and one person was praying that he gets shot tonight. And that is another problem religion. People who know me are well aware of the fact I am pretty much non religious, almost atheist. Let's just say my religious status on facebook should say "It's complicated". But I do believe in the first rule of atheism which states: "Don't do the same dumb shit to other atheist that religious people do to each other".

Let's face it religious beliefs are the cause of so much persecution, death, and wars in human civilization. I don't have to point out any specific examples because we all know TONS of examples. With that said I think Christians are probably amongst the worst, yes I said it. I encounter tons of Christians here in the South and the ones I have encountered are all the hugest hypocrites I have ever met. Amongst the Christians I have encountered were quite a few racists, some adulterous, and tons who were just plain ignorant. I mean how are you supposed to be a "Christian" if you are praying to God for somebody to die? Isn't the Christian faith about tolerance and love of your fellow man? I think some wires got crossed somewhere. I just love how self righteous most Southern Christians can get, it is highly amusing as they chastise me or other minorities and other religious faiths. I can go on and on about this but I am going to say some of what I think of.

I obviously don't go to a church, but if I am not quite an atheist what do I believe in? I believe in ghosts I have tried several times to see them but to no avail, I may have seen one when I was younger but I think it might have been an old raincoat blowing in a fan. And the only reason I say this is because I will sometimes sit alone in a dark room and watch ghost videos on youtube and freak myself out, and get scared haha. And as far as the after life, I don't think we die so much as we comprehend something that is otherwise incomprehensible. I know you are like umm this guy has to be high that makes no sense, but I assure you I am not. To explain ask yourself this question: What is nothing?

If I ask most people they will say it's just a dark void, or sometimes a white void. But those are both things they are voids of a solid color. But absolute nothingness is something that the human brain cannot fathom, and the only way you can fathom this is to die. This thought is always creeping in my mind that when we die it's just absolute nothingness, but I want to believe the afterlife is what you want it to be, and I don't want nothingness to be my afterlife (I use the term "afterlife" loosely). And at a young age I was afraid to die because you don't want your life to end (unless you are suicidal and then you do). But now I don't even think I am afraid of death, because that fear kept me from enjoying life. But I am not completely reckless though, I do want to at least live till 12/12/12 to see if the world is going to end as the Mayan civilizations has me to believe. That's what I am most excited about more than even President Obama, it's what might happen in 2012. I have tons of ideas of what could happen running through my mind some based in scientific fact others just absurd crap I made up. But the anticipation is killing me. So maybe I am a nihilist then. I think I am worshipping a means to an end. . .

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