
What Happened???

Here is a picture from the BBQ

The little Kei car that couldn't!

And a picture of people playing what appears to be a NES at MET's. . .

That is the question that everyone wants to know including me. WTF happened to me that landed me in the hospital? This is what I remember:

I went to a BBQ on a Sunday which was foolish since I knew I would be drinking and I knew I had to wake up at like 7am the next day. Waking up early after drinking never really works out. If I had went home right after the BBQ I would have been fine. I did go home but that was just so I could get my bike so I could ride it back home later on. I should have just stayed at home. But of course if I did then I wouldn't be writing any of this, so we all know I didn't stay home. So I went to MET's and did nomihodai, and it was fun as always met some new people. Most of which were hosts. And as you know I dislike hosts and hostesses, but this time I didn't even care. So at around 12am or 1am I decided I better leave since I had work the next day. Of course before I headed to the Don Quixote to get some food to eat. 

But I never made it to the Don, and instead ended up in the hospital. I don't even know if I was on my bike or not I don't remember anything other than I left somehow and never made it to my destination. I want to say I was on my bike, but there is no damage at all to my bike, the only thing amiss was one of my handlebar plugs was missing. But everything else is completely fine. And my bike is fragile so I think if I got in a crash on it that at least the whole front end would break since it's all carbon fiber. But I have no idea if I was on the bike or not. If I was on the bike and crashed I couldn't have been going that fast since there aren't any new scratches that would have suggested I slid.

So now that I gave my vague account of what may or may not have occurred let's talk about the hospital where I know about 95% of what happened. Apparently on my first day I had a seizure of course I wouldn't remember that so that is part of the 5% of hospital time I don't remember. Things were going okay at first, or so I thought. I had no idea that the IV going into my arm was destroying my liver. I was carrying along okay despite obvious pain. The hospital food sucked really bad so I barely ate anything, so that made me tired all the time. But the ICU was okay I had a nurse sitting at a desk in front of me 24/7 it was kind of creepy at times though since all she did was sit at the desk and stare at me. And since I could barely move all I did when I was awake was stare at her. Eventually I got moved to another room. And everyone in my new room was insane, the guy too my left was constantly screaming and was strapped to his bed. The guy to my right wasn't strapped down but he was just as crazy. If either one of them had attacked me I would have been a goner since they had the strength of an insane person on their side, and I had the strength of a person who hadn't eaten that much in days.

Luckily instead of attacking me they spent there waking hours trying to escape they both came close to escaping several times but they always got caught. I thought there attempts at escaping were pretty hilarious. Then I realized I wasn't exactly wanting to be in the hospital either way too many needles, and the longer I stayed the more times needles were stuck in my arm. Until on my last few days I had so many needle marks on my arm plus a rash that I looked like I was coming down off of a heroin binge. 

Let's talk about that rash. I had it twice! The first time it was only in a few spots on my body and it was only on me for a few days maybe and then it started to go away, ON IT'S OWN! The doctors noticed and started trying to treat me for the rash which was already going away. Their treatment can only be described by this analogy: 

Imagine if you will a small forest fire that is starting to diminish the fire has run it's course. Then a group of firefighters rush to the scene to douse the fire with water, only it's not water they are using it's gasoline! Suddenly the fire erupts and goes out of control burning the whole forest down. 

That is pretty much what happened. As soon as they "treated" the rash it went crazy whereas before it was on one of my arms and on one foot now it was everywhere. And it was painful and itchy. It was like having a sunburn and poison Ivy at the same time on your whole body. You are really itchy but it hurts to touch your skin. So you just sit there in agony. So for almost a week I just laid in my bed itchy and in pain, oh plus I had a headache and then later on my hands and feet started to hurt so the situation was getting worse by the day. And all of these came about because of their "treatment" to a problem that was fixing itself. 

I am tired so I will continue this later.


Anonymous said...

That sucks kenny. Hope my little nub salad is feeling better. Just maybe cut back on the drinking? At least until I get there =D. Goodnight...err morning to you...


Nicolas Rodgers said...

People were telling me you were in the hospital, but I was hoping more clarification would be provided from you. Sounds like you were just as confused as others who told me about. I've had several seizures before and they suck ass, but in my case, I was aware that they were happening.