
Friday night. . .

I was off this Friday!

And I am sitting in my apartment :(

I said I was going to continue Golden Week but I will have to put that on hold for now. So I was all set to go to Tokyo this weekend and see my step-sister and my old friends from Yamagata who live there. So I sent my step-sister a text message saying can't wait to see her this weekend. And she responded with, "I am going to be in South Korea this weekend. Remember I told you last Saturday!?!"

I thought to myself what when did this happen!?! So I told her that she must have meant someone else. But then she was reminded me I was drunk last Saturday, and then it all came back to me. "Ohh yea I was drunk last saturday! Good times." So I was bummed since that meant part of my trip to Tokyo had lost it's luster. But then some of my friends from Gunma were going to, so i was like awesome we can get together for nomihodai. So I was still pumped. But then literally the next day my boss was like don't forget you have to work Saturday. And I was once again shocked. Then he was like remember I gave you the schedule for this week on last friday? Then I thought back and I remembered ohh yea I remember leaving work to get drunk so I must have never seen that schedule. So in two swift moves my weekend crumble quicker than wet bread in a lawnmower. So instead of being in Tokyo with my friends I am in my apartment, farting (yes farting, I got nothing else to do).

I spent the majority of today trying to find night clubs and cool night hang outs, I have no idea why though it's not like I will be going to any of them anytime soon. But regardless I hit up some night spots during the day and stood in the parking lots and imagined what the various places would be like during the nights, in particular tonight. I bet right now people are dancing the night away but not me. I will be standing right here waiting for tomorrow to end and then for sunday to end so I can go to the gym. My weekend was so ruined that I don't even care about Saturday night they might as well take that away too. I hope when I go to sleep Saturday night that when I wake up it's Monday. 

Ohh and Thursday night I went to eat sushi, nothing to amazing about that in Japan, but while I was there this guy was staring at me intensely. At first I tried to pay him no heed but then I thought maybe he knows me, so I started to stare back, and then I started to think that maybe I did know this guy. So I tried to think of his name or where we might have meet, but I had nothing. So we just sat there at the sushi counter 2 seats away staring each other down. It turned out that I didn't know him and that he just wanted to stare so I entertained him for a bit and then he left. It was weird as hell I hope I never see that guy again, but if I do I will be like "where did I see that guy before?"

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