
Should I go on a diet!?!

Note: picture taken when I weighed 140 lbs.

So a lot has been going on since my last post not because I have been living some crazy acidic lifestyle, but rather because my last post was awhile ago. So on Thursday my bike was built up enough to ride so I went for a ride with a few friends both of which were exhausted to the point of throwing up, but I was just fine I might have been breathing slightly harder but I was completely fine. I want to say two factors caused my friends to be so out of breath A.) They were on freewheel bikes which are a bitch to ride (heavy, unresponsive, just all out crappy) and B.) One of my friends hadn't ridden a bike in awhile. Well going into Thursday night there was a cycling party most of the bikes were fixed gear bikes my friend was on his mountain bike so that is why I say "cycling" party instead of a fixed gear party plus there could have been a few a freewheels in there as well. I have NEVER seen soo many fixed gear bikes in one house it was lovely. And to make the night even better the keg was Bosco's beer I haven't mentioned this before but I absolutely loveeeee Bosco's beer you have to come down here to get it though since it's brewed in the restaurant/bar and it's super fresh and tasty! So the fact there was bikes and Bosco's overshadow the fact it was largely a sausage fest haha. But I mean I don't even know too many girls outside of Japanese girls who ride bikes so yea. 

Going into friday I was still partying pretty hard so hard in fact that I lost my phone. Then I kept on partying hard on saturday. So I am taking a hiatus for the rest of this month because I also got my credit card bill and I have been partying a bit to hard I spent like $400 or something going out eating and drinking. Yea it isn't pretty :(

So I have been trying to step up my workouts and get ready for my return to Japan! But I weighed myself yesterday after working out and the scale read 144 to my knowledge this is the heaviest I have ever been in my life (although when I was on that chocolate almond binge I could have weighed more). But then I also like to think I am in the best shape of my life so I am not sure if I should scale back on my eating or not. I mean it's not like I am sitting around eating cheeseburgers everyday. I eat healthy about 80% of the time I will eat the occasional muffin or cookie (hey I got a sweet tooth).  So I went here to calculate my Body Mass Index (BMI) and for my height (5'10") and my weight (144 lbs.) I came out with 20.7 . Average for that height and weight is 18.5 - 24.9 so I am average so that is good. But BMI isn't the best measurement of general health so I want to go to the doctor to get my Body fat percentage test, an STD test, and possibly find out my blood type (so I will know when asked this question in Japan). So what do you guys think should I go on a diet and work out more or am being obsessively healthy.


Amanda Fitz said...

kenny if you went on a diet, i think you would disapear. i think we wear the same size pants. don't fret muscle weighs more than fat.

rcanalejr said...

Yo kenny,
you sould do both. Diet and exercise create optimal health when paired together. One without the other sets your physiology off balance.

This may seem hipocritical comming from a dude you saw eat massive amounts of hotwings before you left. But I recently went vegi for a month and recieved awesome gains in energy!, which carried over to my social,physical,mental, and emotional performance.

So diet. Diet doesn't mean losing weight, it's a guidline which leads to an end. So what is your goal, not to weight 144lbs. Well, hate to tell you bro, but the healthiest bmi is 22 kg/m2. So your fine. Plus if you ever want your body fat %, I'll do it for free. I'm certified to.