
Not only did I not go on a diet. . .

I tried to grow a beard. . .

So I was thinking I should have went on a diet, but instead I just ate a lot of sweets this weekend. So that diet went very well. But I did have another great weekend ^_^. 2009 has been one of the best years to date! I am actually living up to my New Years resolution, although I can't say I honestly remember what all my resolution entailed since I was pretty drunk when I made it, but I am living up to the parts I do remember quite nicely. The parts I do remember were being more "outgoing", as well to try and stop over analyzing things, and just let what happens, happen. At first I started off very reserved and I was thinking this year was going to be just like last year. 

Like when I was talking to Jazzy for those few weeks I was pretty reserved, and I was thinking oh great I am going to blow this. And guess what I did ^_^. I should have been bummed about it, but I wasn't! I tried it was good for awhile then it was all over, had to move on, no use dwelling on anything beyond my control. But I did learn a little bit from that situation, and what I learned was to just try my luck in situations more than I usually do. And since then I would say some great things have come about! I hope my good luck will continue when I go to Tokyo. 

In other news I tried to grow a beard but ended up giving up on the whole thing. Some things will never change (sigh). Maybe one day I will have that full beard I dream of.

1 comment:

Brandon D. said...

I can't believe that I still follow this. It is interesting to see you grow and develop like an RPG character or something.

It's funny. I remember what you were like when I met you. You've totally changed.