
Back to work :(

The face of アンパンマン

My Golden week has come to an end and it was quite eventful! Friday I just went to nomihodai with my friends and got trashed for $15 bucks! Can't beat that. Then we decided to check out a nightclub, so first we went to club Ash which we all thought was actually called club Ass. Apparently Japanese people can't say "ash" it sounds like "ass". Anyway club Ash was closed so we went to club Earth, which was a brazilian club. There were a lot of nice looking ladies in club Earth most of which were either dancing with each other, some steroided up douche bag, or simply in the corner crying. I tried to dane with a girl who was with a group of her friends I got shut down instantly. I think if I go back to club Earth I am going to have to either start hitting the gym again (which I am going to start doing anyway) or covering myself with tears. So we spent the next hour or so just exploring the huge multi-roomed club, before finally leaving. 

The next morning Ivan, Christal, and I went to Ibaraki to hit up the beach. Ibaraki is where the headquarters of my last company is so it was like the first place I stayed in Japan and now I was going back for a visit. I drank during most of the car ride there, which could have made the trip end as badly as when I went to Aomori with Colin. I drank for like 24 hour straight that day and passed out in the street. Luckily that didn't happen this time. But when we got in town we bought more booze and food. I got some cold そば which is like my favorite summer time food, ever. Later on that first night we got some fireworks and shot them off at the beach it was cold but we didn't let that stop us. Then things got interesting when we went back to the hotel Ivan had booked. Only 2 people could stay in the hotel so I volunteered to be the odd man out. So for the next couple of hours I sat on a bench drinking Whiskey, by myself. Till some homeless people came up to me and started asking me if I was "newly homeless",  apparently they hadn't seen me on that bench before. So we talked a bit about homeless life and it's joys and the things we missed about not being homeless. A homeless lady thought my story was inspiring so she gave me one of her beers, which happened to be a のごどし a beer I hate. It is like a Japanese Milwaukee's Best. I didn't drink it because some homeless lady gave it to me and it was a shitty ass beer anyways. So later on Ivan came gave me the keys to his car and a bento and was like here you go. So at this point I looked like a poseur to the homeless people. So I didn't even try to explain why I was homeless a second ago, and now had food and a car. I just got up and left.

I am glad of that experience my small stint of homelessness helped out the experiences of my other friends. I will just leave that at that. But for the next night we got a tent and slept on the beach, and we all got drunk and shot of fireworks yet again! That was amazing nothing like sleeping on the beach and falling asleep to the sounds of waves crashing on shore. The next day me and Ivan went for a walk on the beach where we found some soft rocks and carved our names into them, and admired all the trash on that side of the beach like 2 tires and a gas tank. We were pretty sure if we kept on looking through the trash we would be able to build an entire car. The whole time I was digging through trash I was thinking if only those homeless people could see me know! After trashing diving Ivan and I went bodysurfing in Japan's icy waters. As soon as the water got to about mid thigh I became a 3 year old boy because my shit shrunk up instantly like 2 "Raisin(s) in the sun". The body surfing was pretty fun despite the frigid temperatures of the water, but after awhile I couldn't deal with it anymore and I had to get the hell out of the water. 

The next day I had an あんぱん donut, and this is when I decided to officially hate アンパンマン who is like the mascot for this kind of donut. The donut was filled with bean paste and luke warm whip cream, it pretty much tasted like baby shit. So after biting into that abomination of a donut I cursed アンパンマン 's name vowing to never enjoy the taste of his head again (his head is a giant donut which I now want to punch). Later on we got some ingredients for our Cinco de Mayo party and headed back to Isesaki. And I will continue with the 2nd part of Golden week later on. 

To be continued. . .

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