
". . .Maybe he celebrates Kwanza. . ."

Ahh finally got some free time to write a bit. So I guess I will start off by explaining the title. I went to a party with a few of my friends. The party wasn't really all that spectacular in fact it was a pretty big let down. But the funny part was when I was leaving. My friends girlfriend told me "Merry Christmas", and some smart ass nearby said, "maybe he is Jewish, maybe he celebrates Kwanza" I couldn't help but laugh a little bit, because he beat me to my own punch line! I was about to say that exact same thing just to catch her off guard, but I wasn't quick enough on the draw. I will be quicker next time. It is part joke and part ways to keep people informed of other cultures and ideas. Like everyone just says "Merry Christmas" by default, just assuming everyone is a Christian. 

So I was out last night at Celtic getting drunk and getting crunk saw a lot of people I haven't seen in a long time. Don't even remember who all I saw but I know I saw them. Some of them are looking really good. I find that about maybe 50% of people I know from high school put on a lot of weight when they went to school. Guess it was the "freshmen 15" or something. Which I never understood if anything I lost weight freshmen year, just sitting around eating ramen and sleeping probably weighed about 130 lbs. freshmen year now I weigh about 145, but it's not fat though thank goodness for good genes, a love of cycling, and exercising. But I am glad in particular to see one person last night. I will not mention her name on her, but in high school she had an eating disorder and was always in the hospital. But now I think she has a more positive body image, and has become a beautiful young lass, I am happy that she no longer has to suffer through her disorder and can finally live her life. And speaking of living a life. . .

I need to decide what I am going to do while I wait to go into the Peace Corps. I am torn between getting a job and an apartment in Atlanta, or possibly going back to Japan or Hong Kong to live. I guess I will try for Atlanta now possibly, since it is the closet option and therefore the easier of the 3 to pursue. Plus as a bonus there is a really sweet cycling shop there that I want to check out. Hmmm decisions, decisions. . .

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