
Birthday weekend

So this past weekend was my birthday here in Japan! I wasn't expecting anything big or planning anything out, as I haven't really done anything for my birthday for the past couple of years. So I just drank mostly dark beers this weekend, to celebrate the big 22. On the actual date of my birthday it was raining so I cleaned up my room and did laundry (exciting!). So I figured after such an exciting birthday in Japan, that maybe I should celebrate the American date, since Japan is a day ahead and all, so it was like traveling through time to celebrate again. And it worked out even better because the American date was on a friday here in Japan. So I was very excited for the prospects this weekend would hold, not because it was my birthday but rather because it was (an still is) an extended weekend!

So let's jump into this particular weekend. Before I left school I wished all my students good luck because they were all competing in a big city wide sports day. I had big plans to go and see most of my students play on saturday, but Friday nights don't make for good Saturday mornings. So Friday I went to Loop, after going to nomihodai, and every time I go there something goes wrong. This time someone got the idea that I told a guy there named Marvin fuck you. I was like umm I definitely didn't do that. And of course last time "I got in a fight". I am not sure why every time I go there some horrible twisted tale concerning me comes out of nowhere. So I am just done with Loop, too much of a hassle every time I go there. So for all intents and purposes friday night was pretty bad. So I was kind of relieved when Saturday came around, gave me a clean slate to start from. ^_^

Saturday I just went to J's I skipped everywhere else and just decided to keep it simple. Saturday was a lot better than Friday! Got nice and drunk, and even made some great progress with a couple of the ladies, although none of them lived in Yamagata, but rather in nearby prefectures. But I saw a cute gaijin girl at Mos Burger earlier I wish I had talked to her, since I am pretty sure she spoke English, maybe. She looked like she was French though!?! So I am hoping to see her around the city again, granted she lives here, and wasn't a tourist. One thing that does suck is that I have to work tomorrow. I was supposed to be off work but since I missed a day I have to make it up. Which reminds me I need to contact my boss to make sure they know I am making this day up so that I get reimbursed for the pay I was docked awhile back. Ohh and to make it fair I will upload a picture of me drunk since I have shown everyone else passed out, it's only fair.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ad clicks! (& hello. this is farren! go read my blog!)