

Dotombori祭り taken from my balcony!

Alot has happened, so much stuff that I don't even remember anymore. One thing I can say is that Osaka is bad ass! Definitely my favorite place in Japan, wish I had been living here the entire time, seems like the other years were a waste of time compared to my time here in Osaka. Anything I couldn't do in Gunma or Yamagata I can do easily here! Which explains why I never have time to blog these days, because I am always super busy. I will try and do a blog once a month, but it remains to be seen going forward if I can stick to that. As of right now I am counting down the days until I am finished with my current job and move back to being an ALT. Working in an 英会話 was okay at first, definitely made more money then when I was an ALT, but everyone just got a pay cut, and more work. So yea screw that shit, Japanese people might be willing to accept that kind of treatment but not me.

I know that the closer it gets to that last day the lazier I will probably become, and I am not concerned in the least bit. I have been working so hard that I am usually pretty exhausted. The company went bankrupt and then got bought out, in the process I lost all my vacation days. Which sucked because I was trying to take some vacation days, and my manager was being a total bitch about it. So in the end I ended up not getting a vacation and losing the days.

On top of that I am sure this new company is going to try and screw me over, so I will have to attempt to stay one step ahead. They fucked over two of my co-workers, so whats to say they wont do the same to me. They found some bullshit reasons to withhold money from their last paychecks. And my friend Nao got screwed over as well (almost) they over paid her then demanded she return the money they paid her on accident. To make that shit even more ridiculous she would have to pay the transfer fee to correct their mistake! WTF is that shit? I don't think she paid the money back, because that is some weak ass shit right there.

I expect some similar treatment. My only saving grace is they don't actually know which paycheck will be my last. The pay period is from the 15th to the 15th. I told them I would stay until the 21st to "help them out" but I have no plans on doing that shit, but I cant tell them that. I find its best to quit after you have gotten your last paycheck, that way your previously employer cant do shit to you. And that is my plan exactly. The 15th of August falls on a Saturday, and it just so happens that I work on that day. So I am going to wake up early check my bank account, make sure I got my paycheck, and if everything is okay, I will give my current company the flying bird! That will leave me with a two week break before I start my new gig!

Until then I will keep my head down and be 元気!

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