
Where is my mind?

This picture has more to do with this blog than you think!
(especially considering that you don't know what this blog is about)

My brain is swimming in thoughts right now! Which is actually a good thing because thinking gives me energy (for some odd reason). With all the insomnia I have thanks to Tinnitus, I can use energy! One person is consuming my thoughts though. Because I am just days away from spring something totally unsuspecting on her. While I won't quite get even with her, I can be entertained by imagining what the look on her lovely face will be like when she finds out what I have done. I expect there to be shock that I would pull something like this off, followed by awe at what will come to transpire. The hour draws near, and I in the back of my mind I think she might expect this (but I am not 100% sure she does). Just have to wait and see.

And while we are talking of such things. Today some Japanese lady gave me the ridiculous proposition of me teaching her private English lessons. It wouldn't have been ridiculous, except the classes would involve me PAYING her to come and teach her English on the weekends!! LOL WTF LADY! Not only did I not want to be around here when she was telling me this horrible idea, but I damn sure wouldn't want to pay her to waste MY weekends to teach HER English. I mean honestly what the hell is she thinking.

People are undoubtedly reading this and saying WTF is he talking about here. But I wouldn't bring something up with out fully explaining it (to the best of my ability). So you will just have to stick around to see how this Halloween extravaganza will play out.

To be continued. . .


Nicolas Rodgers said...

is that the colonel?

Kenn said...

Yes it is the colonel all decked out for Halloween

Unknown said...

Whatever you decide - I am behind you 100% Detroit is said to be amazing - and your humor could make an unbelievable statement!!!! I talked with Elena - she was truly shocked and amazing and so loving of her son!!!

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出会い said...


スタービーチ said...


出会い said...


SM度チェッカー said...


mコミュ said...

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スタービーチ said...


名言チェッカー said...


mixi said...


モバゲー said...


モバゲータウン said...


スタビ said...


スタービーチ said...


モバゲー said...


gree said...


スタービーチ said...

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スタビ said...


mコミュ said...


ツイッター said...


SMチェッカー said...


モバゲー said...

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モバゲー said...


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