
About to leave (again)

At the lake.

Riding a Jet-ski that doesn't work.

Unseen sights.

Grabbin' the nuts!

Let the feast begin!

Happy Birthday Caffe!

My photo is rarely taken by anyone so I have to do it myself (tear).

It's August 2nd which means I only have like 3 more days in America before I head back to Japan. It seems that every time I am about to leave either Japan or America I get really excited and bummed at the same time. There are certain things from both countries I want to take with me. I am going to miss the variety of food that is easily (and cheaply) available in America. Before I head back I got to make sure to eat as much Greek, Mexican (not so much now), and Southern food as I can. I will also miss American women to a certain extent. But most of all I will miss English! I will miss being able to talk with anyone at any time. I can speak some Japanese, but I can talk as easily about anything in Japanese as I can in English. Which may be for the better. I have a tendency to say some really random and bizarre things which seems to make some southerners I have met uncomfortable, but that humor may be suited for Japan.

The things I miss when I leave Japan to come to America are the peacefulness of Japan, Japanese food, and Ex pats! Before I talk about these things let me just say that it is ALWAYS harder to leave Japan than it is to leave America. My home country is America, but Japan has grown on me, and I am not entirely sure why. Or am I!?! A girl I met this time around in America (who also lived overseas) helped me to think rationally about my experience living overseas.

Her words: It's just easier living overseas it's like living in a dream almost. When ever you have problems in one place you can always just run away to the other place.

I think sometimes I do just that, I run away from things that bother and annoy me. I haven't just been doing it since I live in Japan, I consciously did it when I went to school in Atlanta quite a bit. On a side note I think I will thank her for those insightful words.

And now the things I miss about Japan when I have to leave. Peacefulness is of course number 1! There is NO place in America that feels as safe and peaceful as the majority of Japan (some of Tokyo is pretty sketchy though). Although there isn't as much readily available variety in the food of Japan as there is in America, the food that is there is really fresh and really good, so it kicks the pants off of American cuisine, a lot of the time. And the last thing I miss is the Ex Pats. Something about living in another country with some pretty high language barriers, just seems to push people together REALLY quickly. In america I will meet someone like 40 times and never remember there name or where we met. But in Japan I will meet someone twice, and I will remember there name, what prefecture they live in and a bunch of other random info. I have known people in Japan for no more than a year at the max, and I feel like I have known some people there my whole life, it's weird.

1 comment:

Brandon D. said...

Do you still have your Gaijin powers?