

Look at that shit

So I just saw my second Geji, and I am about to start crying. The first one I saw was like in a jar so I wasn't too worried about it. But this one is running around somewhere in this apartment with me. It was moving so fast I almost didnt even see it except for the fact that it was. . . MASSIVE!

As if having like a billion legs isn't enough to give me a heart attack, Geji can jump too. Man if that thing jumps on me I think ever organ in my body will fail simultaneously. Ahhh I think I can feel stuff crawling on me I am about to lose it. Someone save me I am too afraid to move. I have this feeling it's just going to fall of the ceiling and latch on to my face and I will run and jump off my friends balcony trying to escape the Geji. I want to find it and kill it, but I don't really want to find it at all. Man I think I am seriously about to start crying. . .


Anonymous said...

Man that's crazy. I read up on them. Moving 16 inches per second for something that big is pretty fast. But look on the bright side, at least they eat cockroaches and spiders. I didn't know you were an anti-bug person, and is that your first time seeing them?

That pic doesnt do that thing justice. They really are massive.



Brandon D. said...

WHOA! That thing is HUGE!

Anonymous said...

yeah, like brandon said, they don't harm humans and kill other insects such as spiders and cockroaches (definitely a plus) where have these things been all my life? but i don't blame you for being freaked out by the sight of them and the fact that they move fast as fuck.


Carol said...

Hey - you are supposed to be the man!!!! hahaha - I miss you - sounds like you are having fun
