
Really long time

So yea I noticed that I haven't updated my blog in awhile, sorry to the 2 or maybe 3 people that read. But yea there is a lot to talk about since it has been a long time. Since the last time I blogged I have been to a beach here. The water was cold as hell, and the beach was strewn with tons of garbage but it was nice nonetheless, got to shoot off a couple of fireworks for "Canada Day"!?! I know I never head about Canada Day either. I still don't know when it is, because like everyday that week Colin was like it's Canada Day!! And so maybe it should be called "Canada Week" or perhaps he was just milking it for all it's worth. I also went Cherry picking all you can eat cherries for 40 minutes sounded like it would be a lot of fun, but 6 minutes into it I was sick of cherries, but it was still fun. I don't really feel like typing a whole lot now, so instead i will just upload a ton of pictures, and you can speculate on what I have been up to. 

But seeing as how the upload image function isn't working for me either right now I will just do that later as well.

Slackers the leaders of tomorrow!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Damn right. Slackers are the leaders of tomorrow. The good old M-town just ain't the same without you man.
