

こんにちは! Welcome to my blog my name is Kenn and I am going to give you a glimpse at life in Japan for an American with very little Japanese ability. Over the course of this blog I hope to enlighten a few people on the daily life in Japan. I believe I have a unique perspective of Japan, as I am not your typical Japanophile. For one I am not too big of a fan of anime. I absolutely hate Naruto, Bleach, and what ever else fanatical anime fans watch these days. . .ok maybe I watched like a Miyazaki film here and there, but that was an accident I swear. And perhaps I have My Neighbor Totoro chopsticks, but that was because it was the cheapest of the chopsticks I saw at the store (I found out why later). Another thing that gives me a some what unique perspective on things is that I don't have "yellow fever". I know some people who do, but I would rather say I have "curry fever" if such a classification exists? If not, remember I coined the term "curry fever", please pursue the proper legal avenues when using this phrase so that I can collect the proper royalties. Now the last thing that gives me a unique perspective is kind of shaky I was going to say, "I am not like a huge fanatic of Japanese food". In reality however; I am a huge fan of Japanese food. Although I think Greek food is at the top of my food pyramid, followed extremely closely by Japanese food. If I ever found a Greek restaurant run by Japanese chefs or vice versa I would probably explode into a swarm of bees all trying to open low interest savings account. I am not sure if you have ever seen a bee open a savings account before, but let me tell you it isn't a pretty sight. Well I am about to drink some green tea and lay in my futon so I will end this first entry here, stay tuned for future updates ^_^.


Anonymous said...

kenny, the magic penny. Dude, just remember the two essential parts of life: cake and booty. These two things are the key to happiness. Which part of japan are you living in again?

Kenn said...

I will never forget that my friend truer words have never been spoken. I am in Yamagata-shi which is the capital city of Yamagata prefecture.