
Tiger Year!

Last night was interesting, I didn't realize how interesting it really was until now...

A girl, Tsubasa, I had previously met at Club Triangle in Osaka, called she wanted to come by my house to pre-game with her little sister before they went to the club. Initially I agreed. But as the hour drew closer I was kind of dreading the whole ordeal. But I waited to the last minute to even have time to raise my protests over the idea. They were already on the way at that point.

Of course the Tsubasa forgot, where exactly I lived and went to 心斎橋駅 and ended up having to take a cab from their to my house. Some how I was able to give her directions to my house! I can barely give people directions to my house in America, yet I gave perfect directions, (in Japanese), to my house in a foreign country. Had this been America I would have just said something arbitrary like I'm near the park and that would have been it, no street names, no good discernible landmarks, just "I'm near the park".

Any way the Tsubasa and her sister made it, and we began pre-gaming. We were having a good time, but the hour to start our night approached fast. Time flies when your having fun.

Both Tsubasa and her sister already had tickets to the Slum Village show we were all planning on going to, I didn't. So that means I would have to wait in a long line to get in, so I decided I would leave separately on my bike so I could get there and wait in line while they were coming up, and hopefully by the time they got there I would have my tickets. I gave them directions from my place to the club. This time they didn't understand so well, and Tsubasa was getting annoyed. I rode my bike over to where they were, and showed them which street to take, then I headed off rapidly to the club.

When I got to the club I was surprised to find there wasn't a super long line, like I had been anticipating. I paid and went in, and waited for Tsubasa and her sister or Slum Village, which ever happened. On a side note one of the members of Slum Village was standing next to me and asked me some questions about Osaka, I wasn't sure what he said and couldn't really tell if he was really talking to me so I didn't respond, and he walked away.

Tsubasa and her sister came we got drinks and went straight to the front of the venue right near the stage. After awhile I started dancing with Tsubasa's younger sister Haruka. We locked fingers and the dance was getting pretty heated, she wasn't nearly as good of a dancer as Tsubasa though. Every once in awhile she would pull down sharply on both of my arms, I had no idea why at the time though. Meanwhile Tsubasa was laughing at what was happening, had no idea why at the time. But now I have an idea. Obviously Tsubasa brought her sister over to meet me, because she thought I was a nice catch (not like we are even dating though). But I mistook the situation as hey I want to hook you up with my sister lol. Imagine it like this you are talking to a girl off and on and she is like hey you should meet my mom, in that situation any normal person would take it as just that meeting her family. But not me, apparently I would take that as "Ohh shit she is about to hook me up with her mom".

Obvious I wasn't able to read Haruka's body language well at all at the time. And I am sure I made myself look like a creep. EXCEPT that I did start to back away from Haruka, several times in fact, and each time she would turn around see where I went then back up as well. So I think that more than anything confused me, but what ever, at this point I could care less about any of this. I know Tsubasa's view of me as "an amazing guy" is shattered, and I honestly don't care.

That first day we met was amazing though. Just casually went up to her at a club and started dancing, and man she can really dance. Wayyyy better than any other girl I have met in Japan, so I was definitely impressed. We talked after and hit it off well, an then returned to the dance floor to dance the night away. Before we parted ways in the early morning light. Each time we meet after that got progressively worse, and less magical. But that is a story for another day.