
Unprofessionalism at its finest



So my friend Derick is coming tomorrow, and he is bringing me an iron. That's how unprofessional I am, don't even own an iron! This reminds me of an interview I had recently. I woke up early and dressed up in my best, and had a bit of breakfast. Time was running short so I had to rush to the train station. About halfway into my trip I realized I didn't have my resume! I left it in my apartment on my counter. No sweat there was a menu from McDonalds on the floor of the train I picked it up and grabbed a pencil from my pocket and hastily wrote my resume down.

Got to the hotel where the interview was to be held, and man was it nice! Talking about a 5 star hotel in Japan. Super sleek yet elegant looking with all the stainless steel and huge windows and plants hanging around. The interviewer bought me dinner at the hotel restaurant and we started the interview. First order of business he asked me for my resume. I handed him my handwritten resume. He glared at it, and was said, "WOW! Makes me hungry!"

"Great", I thought we are off to a good start the rest of this should be smooth sailing. so we chatted and he said he would like to do everything to get me a job with his company. As the interview progressed, I got more and more relaxed. So relaxed in fact that I loosened my tie, and then later took it off completely. The interviewer was kind of taken back by this. And he was like would you be this relaxed around your co-workers? He was like I would need to maintain a level of professionalism at all times. I commented that this interview just made me feel relaxed.

The interview concluded, so I went back and went back to sleep. Didn't get that job unfortunately :(