
AIM Chats

man kenny I just found all these rediculous chats we've had about sleezy


I remember when I was 18 just going to college


I was like sleezy tell me what to do what should I expect


now I realize years late that nigga didnt even know what he was talking about


27, no car, no job, living with momma


not a good combination at all


I am 22, with a bike, no job, and livin with momma

Note Kenny isn't my AIM s/n. Vorgovnax is.



My shadow among red lights

Billy Hardwick's Bowling alley

The Memphis bridge

My old bike hanging on my friends wall.

I am sleepy right now. I am noticing like something that I thought I could explain. Like there is this comedian named Raaaaaaaandy, and I watched one of his videos like last week, and I hated it, so I promptly turned it off. But then like most days this week all my friends are doing is showing me Randy clips. Just my luck! Luckily I have the ability to be apathetic for extremely long periods of time when the need arises. Actually even when the need doesn't arise. I think my time in Japan has made me a lot more laid back.  I used to hate bananas and raisins and other things, but now my mindset is "whatever". Life is too short to be picky about things. Plus I couldn't really control whether I ate any food I disliked because the food in Japan is completely random. I am almost the same way with people, but certain things people do will always get on my nerves. Like people who have to talk all the time, and if there is a moment of silence they think it's "awkward". Sometimes I like to not talk and just sit around with someone, there is nothing awkward about that. I wish I could explain this a bit better but I am too lazy at the moment. 

Also someone lied to me last weekend and it was a pitiful attempt at a lie. People if you are going to lie to someone do a better job and make sure that your lie doesn't fall apart like the next day.

I would write more but instead I am going to just leave it at this; and instead of words I will give you a bunch of crappy pictures (see above).