

Hello everyone that is still left out there! Sorry I am soo lazy with this blog, but I am generally a lazy person, if any of you know me personally then you know this truth to be self evident. In fact it is my constitutional right to be lazy. Even here in Japan were the US constitution holds no power whatsoever. So many of you are wondering about the title of this blog. Actually probably none of you are wondering about the title but I am going to pretend you do care. So what are these observations then!?! Well I spent some time in America this past month about 3 weeks to be precise. And I am going to compare and contrast my time in America with my time in Japan. And then I might look at something else I have observed over a long period of time that has been implanted in my mind like Herpes. But first the comparison between Japan and America.

Clothing: Ok this first observation is probably one of my favorites so let me just start with this first, and then every observation from here on will just get progressively worse as I struggle to say anything of substance. In Japan people wear pretty much what ever the hell they feel like. I read somewhere that this isn't a very individualistic country, and that no one wants to step out of the group mentality. But in clothing I find this to be very opposite. In fact if I was to make all of my assumptions on Japanese and American culture based on attire alone I would say American society is more group oriented and Japan is more about the individual. Let's take a look at a day in my life here and in America. 

Japan: Wake up grab whatever clothes are closest to my bed, then administer the smell test to see which clothes smell clean. . .enough. Ride out on my bike and have people say I am "かっこい" (Cool). Go about my business for the day uninterrupted. 

America: Wake up think where in the city I am going to go and try to dress accordingly. Yes that's right I have to strategically plan what I am going to wear for the day. I like to wear clothes that fit, that's right clothes that actually fit. The thing is americans are very vocal about other americans. Case in point coming off of the airplane to America from Japan, I hear "look at this n*gga he looks like Prince in fuckin high school yall!" So to avoid harassment in America I have to make some kind of effort to try and blend in, and that makes clothing in America very much group oriented. Because let's face it you better blend the hell in or get checked to hell. So as far as clothing goes I say I prefer the Japanese way of thinking.

Food: I loved japanese food before I came here, because I rarely got a chance to eat it, but now that I am here it's all I eat. It makes sense I guess why would a Japanese person know how to make a Gyro or a taco? I mean the majority of them have never seen or heard of these foreign foods, so naturally they stick with what they know. And what they know is fish, rice, and noodles. I couldn't wait to get to America and eat a nice Panini or dip some Pita bread in some hummus or sink my teeth into a huge burrito. I mean let's face it eating rice and fish or noodles everyday gets old REALLYYYY fast. In fact it got so old I started eating foods I used to hate just so I could have some kind of variety. So in regards to food America wins by a landslide.

I was going to move on to something I have been thinking of for awhile but I think I will save that for another day, because it isn't really related to Japan too much. So I am going to play some guitar hero and take a nap before I go out tonight. Ohh nd be sure to check out my Bike it's getting sweeter every day all I need is a new bake tire and I will finally be done with it!!