
Long overdue

So I have obviously not been updating my blog. But I have been living the life of a hippie. A few weeks ago I went to a rave with a bunch of japanese hippies, and ended up getting sick because I was wasted and standing around in the rain at night like a dummy. And I am still kind of sick. And since then I have had both the best and worst days. Like a day will start off so good then go so wrong later. Don't worry I have plenty of examples of what I mean. 

Example 1: Aomori Festival

So Colin says hey let's go to a festival in Aomori, me sitting around my place sick I was like hell yea. I barely remember a lot of what happened, but I think we started drinking at Colin's place. Then Colin went to sleep so me and his brother stayed up drinking and talking about random crimes we saw or that happened to us back in our respective cities. From there I should have taken a nap in the car but I was like I am okay. So I drank the whole way there which was like a 6 hour drive, or it would have been 6 hours if Colin's tire didn't get fucked up. So it was more like an 8 hour drive. And when we got there we went to an Onsen to wash up and relax, before having lunch. at this point I had been drinking for about 14 hours straight since around 11pm the previous night till midday, and I was getting tired of course but I kept on drinking for no reason, I should have stopped and rested but you don't have the best judgement when your drunk. So I drank and drank and drank until finally I feel asleep in the street in the rain which definitely didn't help my cold. So by passing out I missed most of the festival which was the whole point of the trip. So the day started off great but somehow ended up soo bad.

Example 2: Hanagasa festival

So this example happened just last night, but it had been building up since tuesday when I danced in the Hanagasa festival. Everyone thought I was Jero. If you don't know who Jero is google "Jero Enka Singer". So everyone loved that I was Jero, so I was like a celebrity taking pictures with everyone and just being "Jero". Well I got tired of being Jero very quickly, and I figured the only reason people thought I was Jero was because of my beard and moustache. So I shaved them off but no luck I was still Jero. So I went out and just accepted it when Japanese called me Jero instead of Kenny. So anyway I went out to the festival and met up with Karen a half japanese half brazilian, who speaks more English than Japanese, but still speaks way more Japanese than I do. So we watched the festival and then later went to get a bite to eat or rather she did I got some Guinness. At around 11 she had to go home because she was leaving town the next day. So I went to a bar that was "Memphis" themed and had a few drinks, then a guy came buy who spoke English, but sounded Irish only thing funnier than a japanese with an irish accent is a Japanese person with a Jamaican accent. Anyway so we drunk and talked about some stuff this guy was wasted so he said let's go to a Philipino hostess bar, I was like, "ummmm ok sure why the hell not". At that point I was wasted, so we went to the hostess bar, and around this time and maybe a bit earlier the night was making it's spiral downwards. So at that hostess bar I got jealous for some reason because my friend was talking to my philipino so then I was ready to fight him, and the girl was like please no fighting then she said just sing us a song Jero. I was about sick of being called Jero, but I saw they had purple rain so I sang that and the night sort of picked up. Then shortly after I left I crashed on my bike which somehow impressed a couple of Japanese girls nearby. I picked myself up and rode off and as I was leaving one yelled, "my name is ????? I love you" and I was like umm wtf I am hungry so I went to eat. 

So there are two examples of a night getting progressively worse but at the same time being slightly good. And now I am going to lay around and do nothing.