
Broke my phone :(

So I cracked the lcd screen on my phone so I can't send anymore text messages but I can still receive calls but I can't make them because the screen is al messed up. I would take a picture of it but as it turns out my phone IS also my only camera.  I should go but another phone but it's raining all week and I am lazy soo maybe I will later.


Short -n- sweet

"Japanese is the french of the east. People want to learn it because it's cool, not because it's useful."



I <3 Fixies

My new bike

Just came back from a short morning ride on my new Fixed Gear Bike! I didn't know how fun riding a fixed gear bike could be, but I don't think I will ever ride a normal bike again, at least not in the city. I plan on making some changes to my new bike new wheels and maybe a color change orange isn't exactly my favorite color, but for now I will enjoy the ride!



So I have a video I took which is pretty much a tour of my school, I have been meaning to get that video up for awhile. But various things have prevented it from going up mainly the length it is over 10 minutes long and youtube doesn't allow videos over 10 minutes long. I guess the length is imposed to prevent copyright infringement. But of course that doesn't work as I watched some copyrighted material on youtube just yesterday. So today at work was a pretty fun day I was holding back laughs all day. In my first class I completely messed up and read the wrong thing, and the teacher just went with it I realized when I finished reading that I had completely messed up but the teacher adjusted the lesson around my accident, so that was cool. The next class I was playing a game with the students called Ball & Bag where I play music and the students pass around a ball and a bag full of questions. When the music stops the person with the bag reachers in the bag and pulls out a question and asks the person holding the ball. The game was going smoothly till the music stopped on a student who didn't want to answer the question; he just stood there stalling for time. One teacher kept yelling がんばって while the other teacher just stared at the student getting more pissed as the seconds went on. The student mumbled his answer but the teachers made him say it again, which caused for more standing there stalling I wanted to intervene but I knew it wasn't my place, so I just watch as the student stood there. So he must have stood there for like 6 minutes and then one of the teachers snapped and started yelling at him I wish I knew more Japanese I wanted to know what was said. 

So then after that class I had another class with the same teacher where I messed the lesson up completely. In this class we were going over some new words, and two of the new words were "e-mail" and "e-pal" (do people even use the word "e-pal"). So the teacher asked the students what does the "e" stand for, the answers were interesting. One student shouted out "english", to which I started laughing. Then another student said "eleven". So to help the students out the teacher wrote out part of the word "ele. . .", surely the students would get it now! One student said ohh "分かった! erection" I think he was trying to say "election" but nevertheless it was hilarious. And then teacher gave them one more chance, and the final answer was. . ."elephant". Nothing like reading a new "elephant-mail". So that was amusing and then I realized I had to take a fat shit and the laughter turned into OMG I have to get out of here, but I had another class right after the one I was in. So the next class was longgggg, and when it ended I ran to the bathroom to release what was brewing inside. This was like the second time I took a shit at school, I try not too because the school has those archaic toilets where you squat over the toilet and hold a rail (I hate these type of toilets for obvious reasons). So the first time I took a shit at the school I was sleepy and trying to squat and stay awake is hard. To make matters even worse I had like diarrhea so I was basically peeing out of my butt at a high velocity so that woke me up because I definitely didn't want to fall into the toilet. So today turned out to be a pretty fun day at work! I wish I could have said the same for the rest of the day but it rained pretty much all day so I guess I am taking a break from drinking and trying to meet random girls tonight, and just enjoy a quiet evening at home. Well I am going to eat some natto so I will write again soon. また〜


Really long time

So yea I noticed that I haven't updated my blog in awhile, sorry to the 2 or maybe 3 people that read. But yea there is a lot to talk about since it has been a long time. Since the last time I blogged I have been to a beach here. The water was cold as hell, and the beach was strewn with tons of garbage but it was nice nonetheless, got to shoot off a couple of fireworks for "Canada Day"!?! I know I never head about Canada Day either. I still don't know when it is, because like everyday that week Colin was like it's Canada Day!! And so maybe it should be called "Canada Week" or perhaps he was just milking it for all it's worth. I also went Cherry picking all you can eat cherries for 40 minutes sounded like it would be a lot of fun, but 6 minutes into it I was sick of cherries, but it was still fun. I don't really feel like typing a whole lot now, so instead i will just upload a ton of pictures, and you can speculate on what I have been up to. 

But seeing as how the upload image function isn't working for me either right now I will just do that later as well.

Slackers the leaders of tomorrow!