
The arrival pt. 1

Ok I am going to step back in time here and take you through the trip that brought me to Japan, I believe it was like a 16 hour flight total. 2 of those hours were just me flying to Chicago from Memphis. First of the flight was super early in the morning and I am not a morning person, so to make sure I made my flight I just stayed up all day on the night before my departure. I spent most of that time packing. And when I say packing, I mean unpacking. I would open a suitcase and find it is full of sand, dirt, and trash, so I would have to lug it outside and dump all of the contents in our around the trash (I didn't fell like lifting suitcases up). When it finally got to the packing portion I would throw like one shirt into a suitcase and then stand there and stare at the shirt for like 20 minutes. In the back of my mind I was imagining all of my clothes coming to life and marching into the suitcase, Fantasia style. No matter how much I stared my clothes never came to life and marched into my suitcase. So with this packing method it took me about 10+ hours to pack to regular sized suitcases.

Time rolled by and I finally finished packing like 5 minutes before I was supposed to head to the Airport. And I was tired all that standing around and looking took a toll on me. So I was a walking zombie at the airport, except I didn't hunger for brains but rather cheap waxy chocolates, so I had my fill of those oil pastel esque chocolates before I settled into my chair in the Airplane. The chair was kind of shaggy and when I leaned back I felt like I was enveloped in cream cheese and pubic hair so the flight to Chicago was quite pleasant. Now on a side note I have never been to Chicago before in my life so that was new as well. I don't think I would want to visit there though, it looks like any other American town, been there done that.

The transfer over to the Japanese Airline was a bit intimidating the closer I got to the terminal the less English instructions were coming through the PA system. For all I knew there could have been a bomb at the terminal I was headed too but I wouldn't know because Japanese voices don't seem to change too much no matter how dire the situation. Like a Japanese woman could have centipedes inside her Vagina, and her voice will sound just the same as if she was sitting down drinking tea with you.

When I arrived at the gate I realized that there were 2 flights leaving one to Japan, and one to Mexico. Wanting to blend in as much as I could I sat with my fellow Chalupa lovers. And watched as the age old battle between Mexicans and Japanese raged on. The Mexicans drew first blood hitting a Japanese kid in the face with a soccer ball. The mother of the child ran forth and said something in Japanese to the Mexicans who of course responded in Spanish. I watched as the two sides yelled at each other, in glee. It was like watching Hellen Keller yell at Proffesor Hawk over who ate the last pepperoni pizza hot pocket. Well I will end it here for now since I am standing up typing this. Yes that's right standing up I have like a 5 inch ethernet cable so it doesn't give much room for movement. Tune in tomorrow for part 2 the actual flight to Japan.



こんにちは! Welcome to my blog my name is Kenn and I am going to give you a glimpse at life in Japan for an American with very little Japanese ability. Over the course of this blog I hope to enlighten a few people on the daily life in Japan. I believe I have a unique perspective of Japan, as I am not your typical Japanophile. For one I am not too big of a fan of anime. I absolutely hate Naruto, Bleach, and what ever else fanatical anime fans watch these days. . .ok maybe I watched like a Miyazaki film here and there, but that was an accident I swear. And perhaps I have My Neighbor Totoro chopsticks, but that was because it was the cheapest of the chopsticks I saw at the store (I found out why later). Another thing that gives me a some what unique perspective on things is that I don't have "yellow fever". I know some people who do, but I would rather say I have "curry fever" if such a classification exists? If not, remember I coined the term "curry fever", please pursue the proper legal avenues when using this phrase so that I can collect the proper royalties. Now the last thing that gives me a unique perspective is kind of shaky I was going to say, "I am not like a huge fanatic of Japanese food". In reality however; I am a huge fan of Japanese food. Although I think Greek food is at the top of my food pyramid, followed extremely closely by Japanese food. If I ever found a Greek restaurant run by Japanese chefs or vice versa I would probably explode into a swarm of bees all trying to open low interest savings account. I am not sure if you have ever seen a bee open a savings account before, but let me tell you it isn't a pretty sight. Well I am about to drink some green tea and lay in my futon so I will end this first entry here, stay tuned for future updates ^_^.